
Dolby ATMOS - Bring the sound effects on high-end smartphones to Android devices without root

Dolby ATMOS - Bring the sound effects on high-end smartphones to Android devices without root

Dolby Atmos will deliver superior surround sound when using headphones.  You can …
Ad Blockers - Adblock Guide - No need for root - Flash with TWRP / CWM

Ad Blockers - Adblock Guide - No need for root - Flash with TWRP / CWM

Many of you want to root the machine only to block ads, adjust DPI ... but afraid of mach…
OPPO R19 can be equipped with dual 40MP  camera

OPPO R19 can be equipped with dual 40MP camera

After two RX17 Pro and RX17 Neo (international version of R17 Pro) is launched in Euro…
Google Phone App interface with dark background

Google Phone App interface with dark background

In January 8 last, Google has released the updated phone app with the user interface s…
Bphone 3: Nice is not enough

Bphone 3: Nice is not enough

◤  BEAUTIFUL DESIGN IN PRICE ◢ Admittedly, the Bphone 3 has an attractive appearanc…
 Royole FlexPai With full Review

Royole FlexPai With full Review

◤  SCREEN  ◢ With the overall design, the FlexPai looks more like a tablet tha…
Nokia 9 super-sharp images with 5 cameras, no rabbit ears

Nokia 9 super-sharp images with 5 cameras, no rabbit ears

It has been a long time since the Nokia 8 HMD Global has launched yet another Nokia …