Live cool with helpful tips stayed behind

Although only a small secrets, simple, but extremely unique and useful that many of us never knew or ignored. Invite you to reference and share to your friends, relatives and know.
Let's start 

1. Drink fresh water through a straw
Open cans of water, then rotate the "hole" of unlocking pieces cans, put a straw into the hole to avoid shaken straw. 

2. Fry the eggs in a "perfect"
Another tip is pretty simple, just slice the onion results, then took a round of the operating result, while heating oil let in, the eggs in the middle, the egg will ensure round and not distorted as usual dented. 

3. Connect the power cord away
Do not simply pin a wire and left there, scroll two wires together oil first, then pin them together, which helps limit the risk of collision due to electrical short midway. 

4. Peel the garlic superfast

So simple that no one expected: just spend a garlic into sealed containers sized just right, shaking hands, cover will automatically be peeled off. 

5. How to nail polish color is more

Make the picture like the picture, just paint once, no need to spend as much time as before. 

6. Cooling drinks only 15 minutes

Dampen a towel, then wrap around the bottle or beer fresh water, put in the fridge, just 15 minutes there would have been a cool beverage. 

7. Try lacing shoes and avoid slipping

This method was created by Ayana Fieggen. Look under the photo and make step by step, making sure it will be difficult to slip shoelace than usual. 

8. Sandwich cake, you've tried?

09. Fold the shirt super speed, consuming only 3 seconds
Just look at the photo to make, only 3 steps, takes less than 5 seconds. 

Remember carefully then, all very useful in daily life, do not let time pass waste any moment. ✌✌

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