Some tech tips you may not know or do not pay attention to

Today, I like to introduce to you some interesting tech tips that you may know or not. Guaranteed, after reading the post, you will have to admit: things used technology to work and entertainment has never been easier!
1. If you download a PDF file format and find it ".exe" file, please delete it immediately. It was the virus.

  • Be careful when downloading anything on the internet, so maybe it will "cause painter" for your computer.
2. If you find WiFi in airports or hotels that charge, add "? .jpg" At the end of the link that you want to access. 

Whenever you visit a link at the locations of open wifi, you will be redirected to the home page of the site and you may have to pay before you connect to a website. Please insert "? .jpg" At the end of the link (eg This will be the login page and the pictures will be ignored because the wireless router will not redirect the image, and of course you will have access to the site you want.

  • Insert " ? .jpg " At the end of the link to the website where there is wifi open to see the effect of it offline.
3. You want to download a video on Youtube without installing IDM? 

Just add "ss" the link between the subdomain "www." and the main domain "Youtube" (eg Enter is you can download your favorite videos now. 

Another way for you is that you copy and paste the link from YouTube link to the Google search bar and erase phrase "ube" in "Youtube" then Enter. So you can download the mp3 and mp4 files there.

  • The latter does not need to install new IDM download some of your favorite music video, right?

4. Accidentally closed a window that had barely saved Word. So Word can automatically save for you? 

The answer is there is there. You just need to find ".asd" in the search bar of the data management in the "my / this PC". File your word here, and you just need to open it withWordis finished.

  • Hours from worry of data loss when power outage that had barely saved already.
5. How will your essay longer? 

Simple. PressingCTRL + F, and look for "." And change the font size from12to14. They look alike, but this will help ensure a longer paragraph.

  • This tip is not known where. Try to lengthen certain paragraphs to see the difference.
6. Do you know the fastest way to turn a word or a passage from uppercase to lowercase not? 

Try shaded parts you want to choose to edit inWord, pressShift + F3, it will help you to uppercase or lowercase converted all the words were shaded.

  • What you did not know this could also look on the Toolbar's Word and select items with symbols Aa again. So no need to remove all gone Caps lock to uppercase or lowercase anymore.
7. How to Copy the data from the Internet while avoiding the format? 

When you copy any data on the network, the data when you paste the format will remain the same as on the network. And you only need to pressCTRL + Shift + Vto paste instead ofCTRL + V.

  • Now you remember to add a data paste it here. CTRL + Shift + V is Paste Special (special paste)
8. You wonder how to go directly to a slideshow (slideshow) in PowerPoint? 

Usually when you have finished editing a PowerPoint file and save it, it will be in the form of ".ppt" or ".pptx". When you open up the file, it will merely on powerpoint so you can fix it. If you save the file in the form of ".ppsx", when they open up the file, it will open directly into the slideshow always, which means you will not have to open up and then pick powerpoint slideshow to presentation.

  • If you want to shorten the operation each time to prepare a presentation, try to save the file as " .ppsx " and only the remaining good jobs only.

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