Some users have Dislike button in Facebook Messenger, you can not?

Dislike button is definitely one of the features that most people would expect from Facebook. Finally, the largest social networking world seems to have listened to its users and Dislike buttons tested on their application. But, not on Facebook, which is on the Messenger chat application. 

Currently, some users have discovered Dislike button on the Web Messenger app. When mouse or pointing to a message sent by a friend, you can click the button to select the symbol of emotional feelings Like (Love), Dislike (Dislikes), Heart-eyes (eyes heart), LOL (Laughing gloating), Wow (Surprised), Sad (Sad) or angry (Enraged). Those who are found in chat emotes counts. Conversely, you can see the full list of those who have responded and what emotional response to your message again.

  • The reaction is now not only appear in the News Feed post but also in FB Messenger.

Facebook also confirmed this new feature and said: "We always try many ways to do more interesting Messenger and more attractive. This is a small test, where we can allow people to share feelings and express their best feelings on a message ". This means that not everyone can be "granted" Dislike button, but if everyone likes it, Messenger Reactions can be widely released for all users.

You will see the number of reaction in the chat.

  • List of those who expressed reaction also shows you anymore.

Facebook launches exact reaction was about a year ago and it's become quite popular with more than 300 billion times sent reaction so far. "Favorite" (Love) is used the most, accounting for more than one half of the other reaction. We can say emotional reaction is a perfect complement to the conversation, especially if you do not know what words to use to describe, it will support you. 

Facebook Messenger makes vivid and more interesting the more likely it high to compete with apps like Snapchat messages, Line or Google. Do you see your FB Messenger extremely helpful and convenient for your communication with friends via social networks do not?

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